Avrupa’da da “Yan yanayız, biraradayız” imzası

“1000 imza da Avrupa’dan” başlığı ile Türkiye’de demokrasi ve özgürlük için, aydın, yazar, sanatçı, entelektüel ve politikacının yaptığı “bin kişi yan yanayız, bir aradayız” çağrısına destek kampanyası başladı.

Kampanya komitesinin yaptığı açıklama şöyle:

“Türkiye’de yaşayan her vatandaşın, inancını, dilini, kültürünü, hayat tarzını kendi seçtiği gibi, özgür, eşit, korkusuz, huzur içinde, insanca, eşit ekonomik koşullarda yaşamasını talep edenlerle yan yanayız birlikteyiz; İngiltere’de yaşayan aydın, yazar, sanatçı, entelektüel ve politikacıları da bu çağrıya destek vermeye davet ediyoruz”


Bu toprakların ortak sahibi olan bizler; ortak yaşamı kurmak, korumak, geliştirmek için, siyasi parti, ideolojik aidiyet, inanç, din, mezhep, milliyet, cinsiyet ayrımı gözetmeksizin 80 milyona sesleniyoruz. Bizler kutuplaşmak, birbirimize düşmanlaşmak, Türk-Kürt, dindar-laik, evetçi-hayırcı diye bölünmek, onlar-bunlar diye ayrıştırılmak istemiyoruz. İnancımızı, dinimizi, dilimizi, kültürümüzü, hayat tarzımızı kendi seçtiğimiz gibi, özgür, eşit, korkusuz, huzur içinde yaşamak; birbirimize güvenmek, dayanışmak istiyoruz…

Savaşa sürüklenmekten, çatışmacı ortamdan, nefret dilinden, hukuk ihlallerinden, haklarımızın özgürlüğümüzün kısıtlanmasından, can ve mal güvenliğimizden, toplumun vicdanını yitirmesinden, ahlak aşınmasından, toplumsal duyarsızlıktan endişe duyuyoruz.

Tek adam rejimi ve partili devlete, adaletsizlik ve hukuksuzluğa, Meclis’in etkisizleştirilmesine, her çeşit muhalefetin baskı ve tehditle sindirilmesine karşıyız. Yüzbinlerce kamu çalışanını, siyasetçiyi, akademisyeni, medya, yargı ve güvenlik mensuplarını haksız, hukuksuz keyfi uygulamalarla, tutuklamalarla, baskılarla tasfiye eden despotik siyasetin yarattığı bütün mağduriyetlere hayır diyoruz!

Geleceğimizi karartan bu anlayışı anayasallaştırmaya çalışan referandumun şaibeli sonuçlarını ve halk iradesinin yasalar yok sayılarak açıkça çiğnenmesini kabul etmiyoruz.

Bir arada güven içinde yaşamak için, acilen:

* Hukuk ihlallerine yol açan OHAL’in kaldırılmasını,
* Toplumun tümüne yayılan mağduriyetlere karşı adalet ve hukuk güvenliğinin sağlanmasını,
* Meclis’in yasama ve denetleme yetkisinin güçlendirilerek iadesini,
* Hesap veren, anayasal, şeffaf devlet için kararlı adımlar atılmasını,
* Gizli oy ve şeffaf sayım temelli sandık güvenliğinin sağlanmasını istiyoruz.
* Korku, gerilim ve kutuplaştırma siyasetinden güç devşirenlere karşı; ülkemizin geleceğinden sorumlu tüm yurttaşları, farklı kanaat önderlerini, sivil girişimleri, siyasi partileri güç birliğine çağırıyoruz!
* Adaletli, hakkaniyetli, tarafsız ve bağımsız yargı ilkesine dayalı ‘hukuk devleti’nin,
* Bireysel ve toplumsal insan haklarını tam uygulayan eşitlikçi, çoğulcu demokrasi anlayışının,
* Başta yerel yönetimlerde olmak üzere katılımcılığı teşvik edecek bir idari yapının,
* İdeolojik dayatmacı, cinsiyetçi, ayrımcı olmayan; özerk ve eleştirel düşünceye dayalı bir eğitim sisteminin,
* Bölge halkları ve dünya ülkeleriyle eşit haklı işbirliğini gözeten barışçı bir siyasetin, egemen kılınması için, güçlerimizi ortaklaştırmaya çağırıyoruz…”

Kampanyaya katılarak imza vermek isteyenlerin mehmet.taş@candi.ac.uk ‘a mesaj atmaları istendi.


Abdülbaki Erdoğmuş (Ex Député ANAP), Ahmet Türk (Ex Député), Ali Nesin (Universitaire), Ali Sirmen (Journaliste, Auteur), Aysel Çelikel (ÇYDDBaşkanı) , Ayşenur Arslan (Journaliste, Auteure), Barış Yarkadaş (Député CHP), Binnaz Toprak (Ex Députée CHP), Celal Yıldırım (Président du TÜSESYK), Celalettin Can (Fondation “78’liler Vakfı”), Cihangir İslam (Universitaire, Auteur), Erdal Atabek (Ex Président du Conseil central du TTB, Auteur), Erendiz Atasü (Universitaire, Auteur), Ergun Özbudun (Universitaire, Auteur), Ertuğrul Günay (Ex Ministre de Tourisme et culture), Ertuğrul Yalçınbayır (Fondateur de l’AKP, Ex Vice Premier Ministre), Fatma Bostan Ünsal (Fondatrice de l’AKP), Fikri Sağlar (Député CHP), Filiz Kerestecioğlu (Députée HDP), Genco Erkal (Artiste), Gülriz Sururi (Artiste), Hakan Aygün (Journaliste, Auteur), Hasan Cemal (Auteur) , Hasip Kaplan (Ex Député HDP), Haydar Ergülen (Auteur, Poète), Hüda Kaya (Députée HDP), Hülya Gülbahar (Juriste), İhsan Eliaçık (Auteur), İlhan Cihaner (Député CHP), İlhan Tekeli (Universitaire, Auteur), Kazım Güleçyüz (Rédacteur en chef du Yeni Asya), Levent Gültekin (Auteur), Mehmet Bekaroğlu (Député CHP), Melda Onur (Ex Députée CHP), Meral Danış Beştaş (Députée HDP), Mithat Sancar (Député HDP), Murat Belge (Universitaire, Auteur), Musa Çam (Député CHP), Müjde Ar (Artiste), Nesrin Nas (Ex Présidente ANAP), Nuray Mert (Journaliste, Auteure), Orhan Alkaya (Artiste), Osman Baydemir (Député HDP), Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu (Docteur, Auteur, Ex Président de Mazlumder), Rakel Dink (Présidente de la fondation Hrant Dink), Raşit Tükel (Président du Conseil central TTB), Rıza Türmen (Ex Député CHP, Ex Juge de la CEDH), Rojin (Artiste), Seline Doğan (Députée CHP), Serra Yılmaz (Artiste), Sezgin Tanrıkulu (Député CHP), Şenal Sarıhan (Député CHP), Şevket Pamuk (Universitaire, Auteur), Taner Akçam (Universitaire, Auteur), Tarhan Erdem (Ex Secrétaire Général CHP), Tarık Ziya Ekinci (Homme politique, Doktor, Auteur), Tilbe Saran (Artiste), Türkân Elçi (Enseignante), Ümit Kıvanç (Auteur), Yasemin Çongar (Journaliste, Auteure), Yiğit Gülöksüz (Universitaire, Auteur), Zeynep Altıok (Députée CHP), Zeynep Oral (Auteure), Zuhal Olcay (Artiste), Zülfü Livaneli (Artiste, Auteur)….


We support the call of “a thousand people, side by side, together, intellectuals, writers, artists and politicians” for democracy and freedom. We are side by side with those who demand that every citizen living in Turkey should live their beliefs, language, culture, lifestyle as their own, free, equal, fearless, peaceful, humane, equal economic conditions; Intellectuals, writers, artists, intellectuals living in Europe are also invited to support this call.
– We, the co-owners of these lands;
We call for 80 million people regardless of political party, ideological belonging, faith, religion, sect, nationality, sex, to establish, protect and develop common life.
We don’t want to become polarized, enemies of each other, Turkish-Kurdish, pious-secular,
We do not want to be separated.
To live our peace, our religion, our language, our culture, our lifestyle, as we choose, free, equal, fearless, peaceful; We want to trust each other, to be unified.
We are concerned about social insensitivity, from being dragged into a war, from a conflicting environment, from hate speech, from violations of law, from the restriction on our freedom of our rights, from the safety of life and property, the loss of public conscience.
We are opposed to the one-man regime and the party state, injustice and illegality, the inaction of the parliament, the suppression of all forms of opposition by pressure and threats.
We say no to all the victims created by despotic politics that repress public workers, politicians, academics, media, judiciaries and security members with unjustifiable, unlawful practices, arrests and repressions with hundreds of thousands of people!
We do not accept the controversial outcome of the referendum, which is trying to constitutionalized, this understanding of our future, and the fact that the will of the people is clearly violated by ignoring the laws.
– To live together in peace, urgently:
• Abolishment of the OHAL which has led to violations of law,
• Ensuring justice and legal security against the grievances spreading throughout the society,
• Strengthening the legislative and supervisory authority of the Assembly,
• Decisive steps should be taken for accountable, constitutional, transparent state.
• We want secret ballot and transparent count-based security.
Against the energies of the politics of fear, tension and polarization;
We invite all citizens, different opinion leaders, civil initiatives, political parties, all of whom are responsible for the future of our country to join forces!
• A “law state” based on justice, impartiality, impartial and independent judiciary principle,
• An equitable, pluralistic approach to democracy that fully implements individual and social human rights
• An administrative structure that will encourage participation, especially in local governments;
• Ideological, imitative, sexist, non-discriminatory; Autonomous and critical thought-based education system
• We call on our powers to co-ordinate peaceful politics, which takes into account equally just co-operation with the peoples of the region and the world.

Gençay Gürsoy – [email protected] /
Gürhan Ertür – [email protected]


– We, the co-owners of these lands;
We call on 80 million people regardless of political party, ideological belonging, faith, religion, sect, nationality, sex, to establish, protect and develop common life.

We don’t want to become polarized, enemies of each other, Turkish-Kurdish, pious-secular,

We do not want to be separated.

To live our peace, our religion, our language, our culture, our lifestyle as we choose, free, equal, fearless, peaceful. We want to trust each other and to be unified.

We are concerned about social insensitivity, from being dragged into a war, from a conflicting environment, from hate speech, from violations of law, from the restriction of our freedom and our rights, from the safety of life and property and the loss of public conscience.

We are opposed to the one-man regime and the party state, injustice and illegality, the inaction of the parliament and the suppression of all forms of opposition by pressure and threats.

We say no to all the victims created by despotic politics that repress public workers, politicians, academics, media, judiciaries and security members with unjustifiable, unlawful practices, arrests and repressions with hundreds of thousands of people!

We do not accept the controversial outcome of the referendum, which is trying to constitutionalize this understanding of our future, and the fact that the will of the people is clearly violated by ignoring the laws

To live together in peace, there urgently needs to be:

  • Abolishment of the OHAL which has led to violations of law,
  • Ensuring of justice and legal security against the grievances spreading throughout society,
  • Strengthening of legislative and supervisory authority of the Assembly,
  • Decisive steps taken for an accountable, constitutional and transparent state.
  • Secret ballot and transparent count-based security.

 Countering the energies of the politics of fear, tension and polarization.

We invite all citizens, different opinion leaders, civil initiatives, political parties, all of whom are responsible for the future of our country, to join forces!

  • A “law state” based on justice, impartiality and independent judiciary,
  • An equitable, pluralistic approach to democracy that fully implements individual and social human rights,
  • An administrative structure that will encourage participation, especially in local governments,
  • Ideological, imitative, sexist, non-discriminatory; Autonomous and critical thought-based education system,
  • We call on our powers to co-ordinate a peaceful politics, which takes into account equally just co-operation with the peoples of the region and the world.

Gençay Gürsoy – [email protected] /
Gürhan Ertür – [email protected] 


We support the call of “a thousand people, side by side, together, intellectuals, writers, artists and politicians” for democracy and freedom. We are side by side with those who demand that every citizen living in Turkey should live their beliefs, language, culture, lifestyle as their own, free, equal, fearless, peaceful, humane with equal economic conditions. Intellectuals, writers, artists living in Europe are also invited to support this call.


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