Haringey’deki gençlerden kısa filmler

‘Homes for Haringey’in desteklediği proje,  lokal film şirketlerinin teknik katkılarıyla gerçekleştirildi. Edgecot Grove, Sandlings, Coldfall ve Northumberland Park Estate’lerinde yaşayan gençler, bir hafta sonu boyunca bloklarda güvenlik, oyun alanları, anti-sosyal davranışlar, şehir yaşamı gibi konularda kısa videolar çektiler.

Projeye katılan gençlerden bazıları şöyle dedi: “İnsanlar genellikle gençlerin bıçak taşıdığını düşünüyorlar. Bu doğru değildir.” “Bizim oynayabileceğimiz hiç bir yer yok. İnsanlar sürekli gürültü yaptığımızdan şikayet ediyorlar.”

Gençlerle ilgili projelerin menejeri Yemi Akinfenwa, “Bu filmler gençlere konuşma hakkı vermek için yapılmıştır. Ve onlar bunu başardılar” diye konuştu.

Muswell Hill yöresi menejeri Jason Bradley ise, “Bu proje, gençlerin, estate’lerde var olan sorunları bilince çıkarmalarına ve bu konuda kendilerinin girişim yapabilme yetilerini görmelerine yardımcı oldu” dedi.

Haringey young people produce short films about their estates.

Haringey young people produce short films about their estates.

The 10-minute ‘shorts’ covered facilities for young people, safe places to
play, anti-social behaviour and general aspects of modern urban living, and
reflected the feelings and experiences of young people living on four local
estates: Edgecot Grove, The Sandlings, Coldfall and Northumberland Park.

Each film was planned and shot by young people over a single weekend,
working with local film companies Fig Tree Films and two twelve films,
commissioned  by Homes for Haringey in partnership with Haringey Council’s
Neighbourhoods teams and the Bridge New Deal for Communities Project .

“People think just because we’re young, all we do is carry knives and that.
It’s not true.”
“There’s nowhere for us to play and people complain when we make a noise.”

These are just some of the comments in four fims made by young people in

Yemi Akinfenwa, a Youth Project Manager at The Bridge NDC which funded the
Edgecot Grove film, said, “The films were all about giving young people a
voice.  They have succeeded in doing that, and young people’s voices have
been heard.”

Jason Bradley, Interim  Muswell Hill Neighbourhood Manager, who has been
working with young people in Coldfall to empower them, said, “The project
helped highlight young people’s issues on the estates and their capacity to
take action themselves.”

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